Canada Residency by Investment


Canada Startup Visa

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The Canadian Start-up Visa Program is designed for entrepreneurs with innovative ideas who will spur economic growth and entail the consequent commitment from a designated organization.

This program requires a minimum financial commitment of CAD75,000 and grants permanent residency in Canada. Applicants may apply for Canadian citizenship after 3 years.



No age limit for applicants

Permanent Residence

Permanent residence for successful applicants and dependents

Source of funds

No source of funds and path of funds requirements

Settlement status

Ability to live, work and study, Access to high quality subsidized education and Access to advanced health and welfare systems upon approval.


Possibility to apply for Canadian citizenship after 3 years of permanent residence

The Canadian passport

is one of the best travel documents in the world.


The applicant must demonstrate that they are innovative immigrant entrepreneurs who will spur economic growth by obtaining a commitment certificate from a designated organization in order to qualify for the Canada start-up visa

The applicant must hold at least 10% of the voting shares in the business, and together with the designated organization more than 50% of the voting shares

The applicant must operate and manage the business venture once set up from within Canada

The applicant must meet a minimum of level 5 in the Canadian Language Benchmark Test in English or French, in speaking, reading, listening, and writing

The applicant must show that he has enough funds to support herself and any dependents after they arrive in Canada

The applicant and family members must be in good health and have no criminal record


Investment Options

which confirms that the applicant’s business is currently participating in or has been accepted into its business incubator program, or

which confirms that it is investing at least CAD 75,000 in the applicant’s business; or

which confirms that it is investing at least CAD 200,000 in the applicant’s business.

Why Canada

Canada is one of the safest countries in the world. The political situation is stable, and violent crimes and internal conflicts are very rare, almost non-existent in most cities.

It is not hard to find serene landscapes in Canada – every province and every city has their ‘star’ hangout place – a park, campground or historic site. 

Canada has free universal/basic healthcare for all of its permanent residents and citizens. You can apply for a health insurance card once you arrive.


About Canada


38 Million*

Languages Spoken

English and French


Advanced Market, Exports, Energy & IT


Canadian Dollars CAD

Passport Score

Visa-Free Travel to 185 Countries


The amounts reflected above are as per the most recent government laws.

The amounts and eligibility criteria may be subject to change without any prior notice

We encourage the user / viewer to be responsible for doing his / her own research before making a legal / financial decision.

All passport scores included in the website are the most recent and are according to the best of our knowledge; and are subject to change.

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